sexta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2008

Empty Words

I have heard that eyes can reflect the soul
And pictures tell a thousand stories
But when I look at you
Why don't I feel it's true?
There's so much said in Empty Words

There are people talking everywhere I look
No one saying what they mean
Still they talk anyway
When there's nothing to say
There's so much said in Empty Words

I've heard it all so many times
I still try to believe
But you give it away
With the things you don't say
There's so much said in Empty Words

I've heard it all so many times
I still try to believe
But you give it away
With the things you don't say
There's so much said in Empty Words
You've listened but you never heard
There's so much said in Empty Words

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

deve ser isso mesmo eu nao percebendo um caralho? lolol

Unknown disse...

Fdx tenho que deixar aqui um comentario para n levar porrada de 3 gajas assanhadas do meu msn
Um delas ta a fazer peitos
Outra n para de abrir a boca c a maior lingua q ja vi
A seguinte ta de fininho a espera de profanar o corpo do Hmem-Morto

PS:Esta muito nice nina keep going