segunda-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2010
Within Temptation - Forgiven Official Video
"Couldn't save you from the start
Love you so it hurts my soul
Can you forgive me for trying again
Your silence makes me hold my breath
Oh, time has passed you by
Ooh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world
Ooh, you couldn't face the freedom on your own
Here I am left in silence
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven
I watched the clouds drifting away
Still the sun can't warm my face
I know it was destined to go wrong
You were looking for the great escape
To chase your demons away
Ooh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world
Ooh, you couldn't face the freedom on your own
And here I am left in silence
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven
I've been so lost since you've gone
Why not me before you
Why did fate deceive me
Everything turned out so wrong
Why did you leave me in silence
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven"
quinta-feira, 1 de julho de 2010
"Ainda há príncipes encantados"
Se está à espera do Dia dos Namorados para arranjar um, não fique sentada. Faça como uma amiga minha que cada vez que sai do carro, vira o retrovisor para o lado do condutor,
retoca o batom e diz com uma convicção demolidora o Príncipe pode estar em qualquer lado. E pode mesmo. É uma questão de fé, totalmente arbitrária e aleatória, mas pode
acontecer. Até porque nós, os extraordinários, somos poucos, mas andamos por aí. Isto é o que diz outro amigo meu que por acaso é mesmo extraordinário e já encontrou a pessoa
certa, pelo menos por enquanto. Foi ele que um dia me explicou o que era esse maravilhoso conceito da pessoa certa.
A pessoa certa não é a mais inteligente, a que nos escreve as mais belas cartas de amor, a que nos jura a paixão maior ou nos diz que nunca se sentiu assim. Nem a que se muda
para nossa casa ao fim de três semanas e planeia viagens idílicas ao outro lado do mundo. A pessoa certa é aquela que quer mesmo ficar connosco. Tão simples quanto isto.
Às vezes demasiado simples para as pessoas perceberem. O que transforma um homem vulgar no nosso príncipe é ele querer ser o homem da nossa vida. E há alguns que ainda querem.
Os verdadeiros Príncipes Encantados não têm pressa na conquista porque como já escolheram com quem querem passar o resto da vida, têm todo o tempo do mundo; levam-nos a comer
um prego no prato porque sabem que no futuro nos vão levar à Tour d’Argent; ouvem-nos com atenção e carinho porque se querem habituar à música da nossa voz e entram-nos no
coração bem devagar, respeitando o silêncio das cicatrizes que só o tempo pode apagar. Podem parecer menos empenhados ou sinceros do que os antecessores, mas aquilo a que
chamamos hesitação ou timidez talvez seja apenas uma forma de precaução para terem a certeza que não se vão enganar.
O Príncipe Encantado não é o namorado mais romântico do mundo que nos cobre de beijos; é o homem que nos puxa o lençol para os ombros a meio da noite para não nos constiparmos
ou se levanta às três da manhã para nos fazer um chá de limão quando estamos com dores de garganta. Não é o que nos compra discos românticos e nos trauteia canções de amor no
voice mail, é o que nos ouve falar de tudo, mesmo das coisas menos agradáveis. Não é o que diz Amo-te, mas o que sente que talvez nos possa amar para sempre. Não é o que
passa metade das férias connosco e a outra metade com os amigos; é que passa de vez em quando férias com os amigos. O Príncipe que sabe o que quer, não é o melhor namorado
do mundo; é o marido mais porreiro do mundo, porque não é o que olha todos os dias para nós, mas o que olha por nós todos os dias. Que tem paciência para os meus, os teus, os
nossos filhos e que ainda arranja um lugar na mesa para os filhos dos outros. Que partilha a vida e vê em cada dia uma forma de se dar aos que lhe são próximos. Que ajuda os
mais velhos a fazer os trabalhos de casa e põe os mais novos a dormir com uma história de encantar. Que quando está cansado fica em silêncio, mas nunca deixa de nos envolver
com um sorriso. Não precisa de um carro bestial, basta-lhe uma música bestial para ouvir no carro. Pode ou não ter moto, mas tem quase sempre um cão. Gosta de ler e sai pouco
à noite porque prefere ficar em casa a namorar e a ver o Zapping. Cozinha o básico, mas faz os melhores ovos mexidos do mundo e vai à padaria num feriado. O Príncipe é um
Príncipe porque governa um reino, porque sabe dar e partilhar, porque ajuda, apoia e nos faz sentir que somos mesmo muito importantes.
Claro que com tantos sapos no mercado, bem vestidos, cheios de conversa e tiradas poéticas, como é que não nos enganamos? É fácil. Primeiro, é preciso aceitar que às vezes
nos enganamos mesmo. E depois, é preciso acreditar que um dia podemos ter sorte. E como o melhor de estar vivo é saber que tudo muda, um dia muda tudo e ele aparece. Depois,
é só deixa-lo ficar um dia atrás do outro... e se for mesmo ele, fica.
Margarida Rebelo Pinto
acontecer. Até porque nós, os extraordinários, somos poucos, mas andamos por aí. Isto é o que diz outro amigo meu que por acaso é mesmo extraordinário e já encontrou a pessoa
certa, pelo menos por enquanto. Foi ele que um dia me explicou o que era esse maravilhoso conceito da pessoa certa.
A pessoa certa não é a mais inteligente, a que nos escreve as mais belas cartas de amor, a que nos jura a paixão maior ou nos diz que nunca se sentiu assim. Nem a que se muda
para nossa casa ao fim de três semanas e planeia viagens idílicas ao outro lado do mundo. A pessoa certa é aquela que quer mesmo ficar connosco. Tão simples quanto isto.
Às vezes demasiado simples para as pessoas perceberem. O que transforma um homem vulgar no nosso príncipe é ele querer ser o homem da nossa vida. E há alguns que ainda querem.
Os verdadeiros Príncipes Encantados não têm pressa na conquista porque como já escolheram com quem querem passar o resto da vida, têm todo o tempo do mundo; levam-nos a comer
um prego no prato porque sabem que no futuro nos vão levar à Tour d’Argent; ouvem-nos com atenção e carinho porque se querem habituar à música da nossa voz e entram-nos no
coração bem devagar, respeitando o silêncio das cicatrizes que só o tempo pode apagar. Podem parecer menos empenhados ou sinceros do que os antecessores, mas aquilo a que
chamamos hesitação ou timidez talvez seja apenas uma forma de precaução para terem a certeza que não se vão enganar.
O Príncipe Encantado não é o namorado mais romântico do mundo que nos cobre de beijos; é o homem que nos puxa o lençol para os ombros a meio da noite para não nos constiparmos
ou se levanta às três da manhã para nos fazer um chá de limão quando estamos com dores de garganta. Não é o que nos compra discos românticos e nos trauteia canções de amor no
voice mail, é o que nos ouve falar de tudo, mesmo das coisas menos agradáveis. Não é o que diz Amo-te, mas o que sente que talvez nos possa amar para sempre. Não é o que
passa metade das férias connosco e a outra metade com os amigos; é que passa de vez em quando férias com os amigos. O Príncipe que sabe o que quer, não é o melhor namorado
do mundo; é o marido mais porreiro do mundo, porque não é o que olha todos os dias para nós, mas o que olha por nós todos os dias. Que tem paciência para os meus, os teus, os
nossos filhos e que ainda arranja um lugar na mesa para os filhos dos outros. Que partilha a vida e vê em cada dia uma forma de se dar aos que lhe são próximos. Que ajuda os
mais velhos a fazer os trabalhos de casa e põe os mais novos a dormir com uma história de encantar. Que quando está cansado fica em silêncio, mas nunca deixa de nos envolver
com um sorriso. Não precisa de um carro bestial, basta-lhe uma música bestial para ouvir no carro. Pode ou não ter moto, mas tem quase sempre um cão. Gosta de ler e sai pouco
à noite porque prefere ficar em casa a namorar e a ver o Zapping. Cozinha o básico, mas faz os melhores ovos mexidos do mundo e vai à padaria num feriado. O Príncipe é um
Príncipe porque governa um reino, porque sabe dar e partilhar, porque ajuda, apoia e nos faz sentir que somos mesmo muito importantes.
Claro que com tantos sapos no mercado, bem vestidos, cheios de conversa e tiradas poéticas, como é que não nos enganamos? É fácil. Primeiro, é preciso aceitar que às vezes
nos enganamos mesmo. E depois, é preciso acreditar que um dia podemos ter sorte. E como o melhor de estar vivo é saber que tudo muda, um dia muda tudo e ele aparece. Depois,
é só deixa-lo ficar um dia atrás do outro... e se for mesmo ele, fica.
Margarida Rebelo Pinto
Ai meu querido Blog...
Ai meu querido Blog, isto desde que apareceu i Facebook nunca mais me lembrei de ti... :/ que vergonha... mas para te alegrar cá te deixo um "poema" da Margarida Rebelo Pinto... é já a seguir ok? ^^
terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2009
Couldn't save you from the start
Love you so it hurts my soul
Can you forgive me for trying again
Your silence makes me hold my breath
Oh, time has passed you by
Ooh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world
Ooh, you couldn't face the freedom on your own
Here I am left in silence
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven
I watched the clouds drifting away
Still the sun can't warm my face
I know it was destined to go wrong
You were looking for the great escape
To chase your demons away
Ooh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world
Ooh, you couldn't face the freedom on your own
And here I am left in silence
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven
I've been so lost since you've gone
Why not me before you
Why did fate deceive me
Everything turned out so wrong
Why did you leave me in silence
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven
Love you so it hurts my soul
Can you forgive me for trying again
Your silence makes me hold my breath
Oh, time has passed you by
Ooh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world
Ooh, you couldn't face the freedom on your own
Here I am left in silence
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven
I watched the clouds drifting away
Still the sun can't warm my face
I know it was destined to go wrong
You were looking for the great escape
To chase your demons away
Ooh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world
Ooh, you couldn't face the freedom on your own
And here I am left in silence
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven
I've been so lost since you've gone
Why not me before you
Why did fate deceive me
Everything turned out so wrong
Why did you leave me in silence
You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven
terça-feira, 11 de agosto de 2009
Never say I love you
If you really don't care.
Never talk about feelings
If they ain't really there.
Never hold my hand
If you're gonna break my heart.
Never say you're going to
If you don't plan to start.
Never look into my eyes
If all you do is lie.
Never say hi
If you really mean goodbye.
If you really mean forever
Then say you will try,
Never say forever
Coz forever makes me cry...
If you really don't care.
Never talk about feelings
If they ain't really there.
Never hold my hand
If you're gonna break my heart.
Never say you're going to
If you don't plan to start.
Never look into my eyes
If all you do is lie.
Never say hi
If you really mean goodbye.
If you really mean forever
Then say you will try,
Never say forever
Coz forever makes me cry...
quinta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2009
"Forget the peace inside
Giving way to the gods of destruction
Full of desire
You feel afraid that there's nothing left
Oh oh, oh no,
Oh oh, oh no...
The ocean is dry
Do you feel hollow?
Nowhere to hide
And nothing to swallow
And when you can't recognize,
Anything solid
Where do you turn
When you can't buy it?
What can you believe in now
With no love to follow?
Now that you have lost yourself
Oh, can anything help you now?
Just let your fears go
You might find your way back home
Let your fears go
You might find that you're not lost.
Just let your fears go
You might find your way back home
Let your fears go
You might find that you're not lost.
What did you learn?
What was it worth?
What did you yearn for?
Everything's lost now.
And not alone and not alone
And not alone and not alone
And not alone and not alone
And not alone and not alone
Just let your fears go
You might find your way back home
Let your fears go
You might find that you're not lost.
Just let your fears go
You might find your way back home
Let your fears go
You might find that you're not lost."
Sunlounger Feat. Zara - Lost (Chill Version) lyrics
Download track:
Giving way to the gods of destruction
Full of desire
You feel afraid that there's nothing left
Oh oh, oh no,
Oh oh, oh no...
The ocean is dry
Do you feel hollow?
Nowhere to hide
And nothing to swallow
And when you can't recognize,
Anything solid
Where do you turn
When you can't buy it?
What can you believe in now
With no love to follow?
Now that you have lost yourself
Oh, can anything help you now?
Just let your fears go
You might find your way back home
Let your fears go
You might find that you're not lost.
Just let your fears go
You might find your way back home
Let your fears go
You might find that you're not lost.
What did you learn?
What was it worth?
What did you yearn for?
Everything's lost now.
And not alone and not alone
And not alone and not alone
And not alone and not alone
And not alone and not alone
Just let your fears go
You might find your way back home
Let your fears go
You might find that you're not lost.
Just let your fears go
You might find your way back home
Let your fears go
You might find that you're not lost."
Sunlounger Feat. Zara - Lost (Chill Version) lyrics
Download track:
"How is it that I remain invisible in your eyes?
I've lit a thousand candles, wished on every star in the sky.
How can you take my love when your arms are filled with the past?
Your burden is heavy, I know, but it doesn't have to last.
Another day, another night
Another tear, another fight,
A lonely path in the dark
Another dream torn apart
Another place, another time
Another day, another try
Open your eyes, open your heart
Live in the dream where we're never part
How is it that I remain invisible in your eyes?
You locked your scarred and shattered heart, to the ocean threw the key
Now there's no one to hold you at night when you cry yourself to sleep.
How fiercely blow the winds of change when two souls drift apart.
Let the warmth of the sun kiss your face, heal your broken heart.
Another day, another night
Another tear, another fight
A lonely path in the dark
Another dream torn apart
Another place, another time
Search for me and you will find
Once invisible, now invincible
Distance erased with a single embrace
How is it that I remain invisible in your eyes?"
Kirsty Hawkshaw Meets Tenishia - Invisible (Kopi Luwka Mix) lyrics
Download track:
I've lit a thousand candles, wished on every star in the sky.
How can you take my love when your arms are filled with the past?
Your burden is heavy, I know, but it doesn't have to last.
Another day, another night
Another tear, another fight,
A lonely path in the dark
Another dream torn apart
Another place, another time
Another day, another try
Open your eyes, open your heart
Live in the dream where we're never part
How is it that I remain invisible in your eyes?
You locked your scarred and shattered heart, to the ocean threw the key
Now there's no one to hold you at night when you cry yourself to sleep.
How fiercely blow the winds of change when two souls drift apart.
Let the warmth of the sun kiss your face, heal your broken heart.
Another day, another night
Another tear, another fight
A lonely path in the dark
Another dream torn apart
Another place, another time
Search for me and you will find
Once invisible, now invincible
Distance erased with a single embrace
How is it that I remain invisible in your eyes?"
Kirsty Hawkshaw Meets Tenishia - Invisible (Kopi Luwka Mix) lyrics
Download track:
VA-Armada Lounge Volume 2-CD-2009

Artist: VA
Title: Armada Lounge Volume 2 CD
Label: Armada Music
Cat. No: ARMA189
Tracks: 16
Size: 106,9 MB
Quality: VBR Kbps / 44,1Khz / Joint-Stereo
Genre: Ambient
01. Arnej Feat. Josie - Strangers We've Become (Acoustic Mix) 03:28
02. Tenishia Feat. Tiff Lacey - Burning From The Inside 04:53
(Tenishia Frozen Mix)
03. Bissen Pres. The Crossover - Washout (Piano Mix) 04:58
04. Space Brothers - Beyond The Sun (Original Mix) 03:59
05. Coastline Feat. Madelin Zero - Alone With You 03:44
(Chillout Remix)
06. Lowland - Children (Original Version) 04:01
07. Julian Vincent Feat. Cathy Burton - Certainty 05:34
(Andy Prinz Chillout Mix)
08. Deep 'N Pure Feat. Radboy - R We Ever Gonna Be 03:05
(Original Mix)
09. Astrid Suryanto - Distant Bar (Original Mix) 05:13
10. Orkidea - Beautiful (Ambient Mix) 04:52
11. Sunlounger Feat. Zara - Lost (Chill Version) 05:30
12. Kirsty Hawkshaw Meets Tenishia - Invisible (Kopi Luwka Mix) 06:27
13. Mike Foyle & Augustine Leudar - De Bells of Nafin 04:44
(Original Mix)
14. Moussa Clarke & Terrafunka - She Wants Him 06:24
(Dynamic Illusion Chill Mix)
15. Erik de Koning - Dream Flight (Chillout Mix) 06:41
16. Sir Loungealot - Silver Beach (Original Mix) 05:30
Total Track Time 79:03 min
Download: rar pass:
I thought i had to share it with you people coz its a very nice album, specially for Ambient lovers
quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2009
Darkest Sorrow
I want to run away
Inside my bright red scream
I want to break the doors
Holding back my dream
Living like this
Checking the skies for rain
A constant reminder
Of this burden and pain
I'm holding on to
A shooting star
Its points cutting my skin
This time it's gone too far
Nothing left to wish on
My bloody star fell
Left me drowning in hopes
Inside my wishing well
Not looking for a hero
To owe such a debt
I could not ask for saving
This loss is not a regret
I want to run away
But there's nothing out there
I want to shatter windows
That look out on nowhere
This is not life
If I'm already dead
My bleeding heart stopped beating
And tears I no longer shed.
Inside my bright red scream
I want to break the doors
Holding back my dream
Living like this
Checking the skies for rain
A constant reminder
Of this burden and pain
I'm holding on to
A shooting star
Its points cutting my skin
This time it's gone too far
Nothing left to wish on
My bloody star fell
Left me drowning in hopes
Inside my wishing well
Not looking for a hero
To owe such a debt
I could not ask for saving
This loss is not a regret
I want to run away
But there's nothing out there
I want to shatter windows
That look out on nowhere
This is not life
If I'm already dead
My bleeding heart stopped beating
And tears I no longer shed.
Since The Loss Of You...
Since the loss of you
I've learned to live for each day
And take it as a blessing
Knowing it may not always be this way.
Since the loss of you
I've learned that when everything goes wrong
To never give up on what is right
Because it can only make you strong.
Since the loss of you
I've learned that even when you're in a lot of pain
You've got to hold yourself together
So you won't feel like you're going insane.
Since the loss of you
I've learned how to hold the tears when I want to cry
Because all I have is memories
And just want to ask God why.
But mostly, since the loss of you
I've learned a life can be taken in the blink of an eye
And only Heaven really knows when
That person will have to say "Goodbye."
Dedicated to Frans and Larry, Peace to your Souls. You will never be forgotten.
I've learned to live for each day
And take it as a blessing
Knowing it may not always be this way.
Since the loss of you
I've learned that when everything goes wrong
To never give up on what is right
Because it can only make you strong.
Since the loss of you
I've learned that even when you're in a lot of pain
You've got to hold yourself together
So you won't feel like you're going insane.
Since the loss of you
I've learned how to hold the tears when I want to cry
Because all I have is memories
And just want to ask God why.
But mostly, since the loss of you
I've learned a life can be taken in the blink of an eye
And only Heaven really knows when
That person will have to say "Goodbye."
Dedicated to Frans and Larry, Peace to your Souls. You will never be forgotten.
Watch Over Us...
Even though he's gone
his memory still remains in our hearts.
His smile and face will never fade.
We think of him as we go on each day.
The good times we remember
and the days spent together
will be in our memories forever.
So when you start to get down
and you really want to cry
just think of the funny times
and don't wonder why.
Just leave it at that
and know he's better now.
We love you Frans
and we'll miss you so much
but we know you're much happier.
So watch over us and make sure we're okay
and we'll see you again someday.
To Frans, that sweet man who left us so soon. Rest In Peace my Friend
his memory still remains in our hearts.
His smile and face will never fade.
We think of him as we go on each day.
The good times we remember
and the days spent together
will be in our memories forever.
So when you start to get down
and you really want to cry
just think of the funny times
and don't wonder why.
Just leave it at that
and know he's better now.
We love you Frans
and we'll miss you so much
but we know you're much happier.
So watch over us and make sure we're okay
and we'll see you again someday.
To Frans, that sweet man who left us so soon. Rest In Peace my Friend
Dying Inside...
Something so hard
goes straight to the soul;it seems impossible to get over
and my heart is left with a big hole.
I'm trying to be happy, wearing a smile;
but I'm dying inside.
The world seems to be fading,
and I just want to run and hide.
Everything I do, I think of you
and realize how much I miss you;
and on the day you died
a piece of me died too.
This poem is dedicated to a dear friend who passed away. I'll never forget you Frans, may you Rest In Peace.
segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2009
Pure Bliss
"If we could sniff or swallow something that would, for five or six hours each day, abolish our solitude as individuals, atone us with our fellows in a glowing exaltation of affection and make life in all its aspects seem not only worth living, but divinely beautiful and significant, and if this heavenly, world-transfiguring drug were of such a kind that we could wake up next morning with a clear head and an undamaged constitution-then, it seems to me, all our problems (and not merely the one small problem of discovering a novel pleasure) would be wholly solved and earth would become paradise."
Aldous Huxley 1894-1963
Aldous Huxley 1894-1963
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